Mass, force, density, momentum, energy, action, power, stiffness, pressure, viscosity, etc. The bestiary of physics includes myriads of creatures, but they are cast from the same mold. All these mechanical quantities can be understood as various mixtures of space, time and matter, with dimensions of the form M.L^x.T^y, where M, L and T are the dimensions of mass, space and time. This shared structure allows a representation of the mechanical quantities in a plane with coordinates x and y. Moreover, since x and y are usually integers, the standard mechanical quantities can be arranged into a table, which is the perfect cheat sheet for students and a great guide for teachers and researchers. In this first video of this series on mechanics we give an overview of this table of standard mechanical quantities, and we are calling on you to help fill the gaps. The rest of this series on mechanics will show how to use this table to understand space, time and their relationship, from a mechanical perspective.
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